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Little Drummer Boy Rankin Bass T-Shirt

Description: Pa Rum Pum Pum Pum!

Tags: christmas, drummer, drummer boy, nativity, rankin bass
Frosty and the kids! T-Shirt

Description: Frosty leading a parade of his little friends!

Tags: frosty, snowman, christmas, rankin bass
Frosty and Hocus Pocus! T-Shirt

Description: Frosty the Snowman and his bunny buddy Hocus Pocus go ice skating

Tags: frosty, snowman, christmas, rankin bass
Frosty and Karen T-Shirt

Description: Frosty and his little pal Karen from the 1969 Rankin Bass classic!

Tags: retro, snowman, christmas, rankin bass, frosty
March Of The Wooden Soldiers T-Shirt

Description: The 1934 Lobby Card poster of the holiday classic film version of Babes In Toyland

Tags: 30s movies, march of the wooden soldiers, babes in toyland, stan laurel, wooden soldiers
Rudolph and Santa Rankin Bass Retro Vintage T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: The classic 60s Christmas TV character designs

Tags: christmas, heat miser, miser brothers, rudolph, rudolph the red nosed reindeer
Heat Miser Snow Miser TIKI Tropical Christmas! T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Our exclusive design features the Miser Brothers as Tiki figures in front of a wreath of tropical flowers and a row of tiki-ettes!

Tags: heat miser, polynesian, rankin bass, snow miser, the year without a santa claus
BUMBLE & RUDOLPH Snow Tubing T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Bumble, Rudolph and one of their bunny pals go snow tubing!

Tags: christmas, rankin bass, reindeer, rudolph
I gave up for Lent. T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: It still counts, right?

Tags: catholic, easter, funny, funny saying, humor
Burgermeister Meisterburger T-Shirt

Description: He hates toys!

Tags: burgermeister, rankin bass, santa claus, meisterburger
Clarice & Rudolph T-Shirt

Description: A match made in the North Pole!

Tags: christmas, clarice, rankin bass, reindeer, rudolph
Yukon Cornelius T-Shirt

Description: Hanging out on an ice floe!

Tags: rudolph the red nosed reindeer, rudolph, christmas, gold, rankin bass
The Fella Who Couldn't Wait For Christmas SCTV T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: GET TO BED!

Tags: christmas, comedy, ed grimley, martin short
Santa & Rudolph 70s Melted Plastic Popcorn T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: 70s "melted popcorn" decorations

Tags: rudolph the red nosed reindeer, santa, santa claus, xmas, happy holidays
Get Goin' Elf T-Shirt

Description: Poor Ralphie, that rotten elf freaked him out!

Tags: christmas, ralphie, a christmas story, youll shoot your eye out, leg lamp
Emmet Otter's Jug Band Christmas T-Shirt

Description: Exclusive design from original VHS artwork

Tags: christmas, jug band, otter lover
Black Cat 70s T-Shirt

Description: 1970s Halloween decoration

Tags: trick or treat, vintage, halloween, retro, cat
Vintage Skull Halloween T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: mid-century Beistle artwork

Tags: halloween, retro, skeleton, skull, skulls
The Night HE Came Home! T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: The 1978 classic

Tags: retro, michael myers, horror, scary, vintage
Dusty Towne Sexy Holiday Special SCTV T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Sexy Holidays To You!

Tags: canadian tv, catherine ohara, comedy, john candy, dusty towne
Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol T-Shirt

Description: Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol Ghosts of Christmas Past and Present

Tags: a christmas carol, mr magoo, charles dickens
NOEL 70s Plastic Popcorn T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: 70s "melted popcorn" decoration!

Tags: 70s, happy holidays, merry christmas, merry xmas, melted plastic
Twelve Days of Christmas Bob & Doug SCTV T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: Single from the 1981 album Great White North

Tags: bob and doug mckenzie, dave thomas, great white north, hoser, mckenzie brothers
Heat Miser Straight Fire - Exclusive T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: He's too much!

Tags: christmas, fire, year without a santa, rudolph the red nosed reindeer, rankin bass
The MISERETTES! Exclusive T-Shirt

Description: Heat Miser and Snow Miser's dancing minions!

Tags: rudolph the red nosed reindeer, the year without a santa claus, snow miser, heat miser
Heat Miser Face T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: He's Mr. Green Christmas, He's Mr. Sun.

Tags: christmas, frosty the snowman, miser brother, rankin bass, year without a santa
Snow Miser Face T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: He's Mr. White Christmas, He's Mr. Cool.

Tags: rankin bass, year without a santa, miser brother, heat miser, christmas
Band Aid 'Do They Know It's Christmas?' T-Shirt

Description: UK cover art of the landmark 1984 famine relief song

Tags: band aid, bono, george michael, new wave, boy george
BATTLE OF THE PLANETS Ugly Sweater Exclusive T-Shirt

Description: The only Ugly Christmas Sweater of Battle of the Planets in the universe!

Tags: christmas, gatchaman, g force, ugly christmas sweater, ugly sweater
ULTRAMAN Ugly Sweater Exclusive T-Shirt

Description: Our exclusive design of Ultraman on an Ugly Christmas Sweater!

Tags: christmas sweater, ultraman, ugly sweater, japanese, tokusatsu
Let's Get Lit! Ugly Sweater T-Shirt

Description: It's Hanukkahmazing!

Tags: menorah, dreidel, funny gift, chanukah, christmas
King Moonracer Exclusive T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: The ruler of the Island of Misfit Toys!

Tags: griffin, lion, the island of misfit toys, rankin bass, misfit toys
Winter Warlock & Topper! T-Shirt

Description: Putting one foot in front of the other, together!

Tags: christmas, kris kringle, penguin, rankin bass, topper
Buddy Elf and Candy Canes Exclusive T-Shirt
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Description: Very happy Buddy and crossed candy canes!

Tags: will ferrell, candy cane, buddy the elf, christmas
Hermey the Elf T-Shirt
Main Tag:  

Description: He wants to be a dentist!

Tags: hermey the misfit elf, rudolph, rankin bass, elf, rudolph the red nosed reindeer
I Still Believe 80s Christmas T-Shirt

Description: The bodybuilder sax player from The Lost Boys sees you when you're sleeping...

Tags: merry christmas, lost boys, the lost boys, saxophone, tim capello

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