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Album: Happy Holidays!

Frosty, Bumble and Sam - the Snowmen! T-Shirt
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Description: Why pick just one classic Christmas special snowman, when you can have them all! Bumble, Frosty and Sam team up in our EXCLUSIVE design, guaranteed to make your holidays merry and bright

Tags: bumble, burl ives, frosty, frosty the snowman, rudolph
Vintage Ceramic Christmas Tree T-Shirt
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Description: We all had one!

Tags: retro, ceramics, merry christmas, holiday, 1970s
Clark Griswold Christmas Vacation T-Shirt

Description: The face says it all

Tags: chevy chase, clark griswald, cousin eddie, griswold, griswold family christmas
Vintage "Melted Plastic" Santa T-Shirt
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Description: *SPECIAL LIMITED EDITION!* One of those vintage Christmas decorations made out of weird melted pieces of plastic "popcorn." Gone but not forgotten!

Tags: holidays, ugly christmas sweater, santa, xmas, santa claus
Santa & Rudolph Vintage Melted Plastic T-Shirt
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Description: 70s "melted popcorn" decorations

Tags: xmas, merry christmas, rudolph, santa claus, santa
Yule Log Vintage TV T-Shirt
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Description: *SPECIAL LIMITED EDITION!* Our homage to the holiday tradition of the WPIX Yule Log. This is taken from the actual 70s footage, placed in artwork of a vintage television. Now you can take that warm feeling of not having a real fireplace with you, all year long! (And the knob is tuned to Channel 11, because it has to be!)

Tags: holidays, humor, yule log, xmas, merry christmas
Gruss Vom Krampus T-Shirt
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Description: Greetings from "The other guy"

Tags: christmas, creepy christmas, humor, krampuskarten, krampuslauf
Gotta Bounce T-Shirt
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Description: Because that's what Bumbles do!

Tags: retro, vintage, rankin bass, bumble, rudolph
Vintage Toy Soldiers T-Shirt
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Description: These classic Christmas lawn decorations are always happy to stand guard!

Tags: retro, vintage, holiday, xmas, merry christmas
Peace Dove T-Shirt
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Description: Give peace lots of chances.

Tags: dove, art, love, retro, vintage
Gourd help us T-Shirt
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Description: Just breathe, and arrange those decorative gourds. Everything's going to be okay.

Tags: gourds, apple picking, thanksgiving, fall, funny
Vintage Halloween T-Shirt
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Description: The classic window decorations of yore!

Tags: witch, pumpkin, happy, retro, vintage
Chiller Theatre T-Shirt
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Description: The opening credits of the classic WPIX Channel 11 horror movie show from the 70s!

Tags: 70s, horrormovies, humor, movies, new york city

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